Cohesity Helios
SaaS-based, global secondary data and application management

Cohesity Helios™ provides a single view and global management of all your secondary data and applications wherever they reside—on-premises, cloud, and edge. Add Cohesity Helios to your multicluster environment, and you gain unprecedented global access and control over all your secondary data and apps.
Unify your secondary data and apps:
Much more than a passive dashboard, Cohesity Helios utilizes cutting edge algorithms to proactively assess
IT needs and automate infrastructure resources. Cohesity Helios goes beyond accelerating IT efficiency and
simplicity at a global scale. Cohesity DataPlatform radically simplifies secondary storage and now with Cohesity
Helios you can:
- Easily move secondary data and apps to any location for archiving, test/dev, or analytics
- Effectively build out your hybrid cloud strategy